DMTF CR (Change Request)

DMTF Confidential

All changes to be submitted by the Working Group Chair (or designee) after approval by the working group.

The Change Request sample ( contains more detailed information on how to complete the template.

Number [CIMCoreCR00001.000]CIMCoreCR01466.000
Author NameRichard Landau
Alliance OrganizationPrinter Working Group
Alliance Data N/A
Errata [true|false]false
DescriptionRemove redundant override from CIM_PrintInputTray.
Schema NameCIM
Schema ModelDevice
Schema Version2.25.0
Schema Status [Final | Experimental]experimental
Schema FilenameDevice/CIM_PrintInputTray.mof
Date Originated2010-02-08
Date Last Revised2010-02-08
Dependencies [CIMCoreCR00555.007,CIMCoreCR00600.004,...] None


The terminology used in this CR should conform to the "Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards", 5th Edition, 2005 available at:

Particular attention shall be paid to Annex H which lays out guidelines for the expression of provisions.

Background/Rationale (Explanation of the background and reason(s) for the requested change, and supporting documentation):

This CR removes the redundant override of the InstanceID property from the class.  The override of this property was promoted to the parent class, CIM_PrinterElement, in schema v2.19, and we forgot to remove it from the child class at the same time.

Requested Change (Change information such as details before/after the change and/or references documents (other than MOF) if the changes are too lengthy to include inline):

Remove redundant override from CIM_PrintInputTray.

MOF Changes (The complete CIM Class (ASCII) using blue text for new, red text for removed and black text for no change, only one CIM Class can be changed per CR):

   [Experimental, Version ( "2.25.0" ), 
    Version ( "2.19.0" ), 
    UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Device::Printing" ), 
    Description ( 
       "This class represents the PrintInputTray component of a "
       "Printer (print device). It contains properties that describe a "
       "device capable of providing media for input to the printing "
       "process. Note: A PrintInputTray shall be associated with "
       "exactly one Printer via an instance of the PrinterComponent "
       "class. See: Model in section 2 of Printer MIB (RFC 3805)." ), 
    MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputEntry" }]
class CIM_PrintInputTray : CIM_PrinterElement {

      [Key, Override ( "InstanceID" ), 
       Description ( 
          "Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, "
          "InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance "
          "of this class. To ensure uniqueness within the "
          "NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed "
          "using the following \"preferred\" algorithm: \n"
          "<OrgID>:<LocalID> \n"
          "Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon "
          "(:), and where <OrgID> shall include a copyrighted, "
          "trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by "
          "the business entity that is creating or defining the "
          "InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the "
          "business entity by a recognized global authority. (This "
          "requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> "
          "structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure "
          "uniqueness, <OrgID> shall not contain a colon (:). When "
          "using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in "
          "InstanceID shall appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. \n"
          "<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should "
          "not be reused to identify different underlying "
          "(real-world) elements. If the above \"preferred\" "
          "algorithm is not used, the defining entity shall assure "
          "that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any "
          "InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the "
          "NameSpace of this instance. \n"
          "For DMTF-defined instances, the \"preferred\" algorithm "
          "entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or "
          "that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity "
          "by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is "
          "similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of "
          "Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, "
          "<OrgID> shall not contain a colon (:). When using this "
          "algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID shall "
          "appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. \n"
          "<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should "
          "not be reused to identify different underlying "
          "(real-world) elements. If the above \"preferred\" "
          "algorithm is not used, the defining entity shall assure "
          "that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any "
          "InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the "
          "NameSpace of this instance. \n"
          "For DMTF-defined instances, the \"preferred\" algorithm "
          "shall be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM." )]
   string InstanceID;

      [Required, Override ( "ElementName" ), 
       Description ( 
          "The user-friendly name for this instance of "
          "PrintInputTray. In addition, the user-friendly name can "
          "be used as an index property for a search or query. "
          "(Note: The name does not have to be unique within a "
          "namespace.) This name shall be generated as a factory "
          "default by the manufacturer and may be changed "
          "out-of-band to a site-specific name by the system "
          "administrator." ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputName" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ManagedElement.ElementName" }]
   string ElementName;

      [Description ( 
          "Denotes whether or not this PrintInputTray is the "
          "default PrintInputTray for this Printer. If the default "
          "PrintInputTray feature is not supported for this "
          "Printer, then this property shall be null. If the "
          "default PrintInputTray feature is supported for this "
          "Printer, then this property shall be true for at most "
          "one instance of CIM_PrintInputTray on this Printer, "
          "i.e., the default may not be currently configured." ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputDefaultIndex" }]
   boolean IsDefault;

      [Description ( 
          "A free-form text description of this input tray in the "
          "localization specified by "
          "CIM_Printer.CurrentNaturalLanguage." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 255 ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputDescription", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_Printer.CurrentNaturalLanguage" }]
   string LocalizedDescription;

      [Description ( 
          "The type of technology (discriminated primarily "
          "according to feeder mechanism type) employed by the "
          "input tray." ), 
       ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", ".." }, 
       Values { "Other", "Unknown", "SheetFeedAutoRemovableTray", 
          "SheetFeedAutoNonRemovableTray", "SheetFeedManual", 
          "ContinuousRoll", "ContinuousFanFold", "DMTF Reserved" }, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputType", 
          "MIB.IETF|IANA-PRINTER-MIB.PrtInputTypeTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_PrintInputTray.OtherTypeDescription" }]
   uint32 Type;

      [Description ( 
          "A free-form string that describes the type of technology "
          "when the value of the Type property is equal to 1 "
          "(Other)." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 255 ), 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.Type" }]
   string OtherTypeDescription;

      [Description ( 
          "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and "
          "relaying capacity values for this input tray." ), 
       ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "8", "16", "17", "18", "19", 
          ".." }, 
       Values { "Other", "Unknown", "TenThousandthsOfInches", 
          "Micrometers", "Sheets", "Feet", "Meters", "Items", 
          "Percent", "DMTF Reserved" }, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCapacityUnit", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtCapacityUnitTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.OtherCapacityUnit" }]
   uint32 CapacityUnit;

      [Description ( 
          "A free-form string that describes the capacity unit when "
          "the value of the CapacityUnit property is equal to 1 "
          "(Other)." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 255 ), 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.CapacityUnit" }]
   string OtherCapacityUnit;

      [Description ( 
          "The basis for the limit property MaxCapacity, that "
          "specifies whether a meaningful value is available. 1 "
          "(Other) means the input tray places no restrictions on "
          "capacity and MaxCapacity shall be null. 2 (Unknown) "
          "means the input tray cannot sense a meaningful value and "
          "MaxCapacity shall be null. 3 (Actual) means the input "
          "tray can sense a meaningful value and MaxCapacity shall "
          "be present." ), 
       ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", ".." }, 
       Values { "Other", "Unknown", "Actual", "DMTF Reserved" }, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMaxCapacity" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.MaxCapacity" }]
   uint16 MaxCapacityBasis;

      [Description ( 
          "The maximum capacity of the input tray in units "
          "specified by CIM_PrintInputTray.CapacityUnit. There is "
          "no convention associated with the media itself so this "
          "value reflects claimed capacity. If this input tray can "
          "reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the "
          "input tray and cannot be changed by the system "
          "administrator; otherwise, the value may be changed "
          "out-of-band by the system administrator." ), 
       MinValue ( 0 ), 
       MaxValue ( 2147483647 ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMaxCapacity", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtCapacityUnitTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.MaxCapacityBasis" }]
   uint32 MaxCapacity;

      [Description ( 
          "The basis for the gauge property CurrentLevel, that "
          "specifies whether a meaningful value is available. 1 "
          "(Other) means the input tray places no restrictions on "
          "capacity and CurrentLevel shall be null. 2 (Unknown) "
          "means the input tray cannot sense a meaningful value and "
          "CurrentLevel shall be null. 3 (Actual) means the input "
          "tray can sense a meaningful value and CurrentLevel shall "
          "be present. 4 (AtLeastOne) means that the input tray can "
          "only sense that at least one capacity unit remains "
          "(i.e., not empty) and CurrentLevel shall be present and "
          "shall contain the value zero or one." ), 
       ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", ".." }, 
       Values { "Other", "Unknown", "Actual", "AtLeastOne", 
          "DMTF Reserved" }, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCurrentLevel" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.CurrentLevel" }]
   uint16 CurrentLevelBasis;

      [Description ( 
          "The current level of the input tray in units specified "
          "by CIM_PrintInputTray.CapacityUnit. If this input tray "
          "can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by "
          "the input tray and cannot be changed by the system "
          "administrator; otherwise, the value may be changed "
          "out-of-band by the system administrator." ), 
       MinValue ( 0 ), 
       MaxValue ( 2147483647 ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCurrentLevel", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtCapacityUnitTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.CurrentLevelBasis" }]
   uint32 CurrentLevel;

      [Description ( 
          "This property contains detailed availability information "
          "for this PrintInputTray, as follows: 1 (Other) means "
          "other detailed availability information is present in "
          "the OtherAvailabilityStatus property. 2 (Unknown) means "
          "detailed availability information for this "
          "PrintInputTray is unknown. 3 (AvailableIdle) means this "
          "PrintInputTray is available and idle, i.e., not "
          "currently in use. 4 (AvailableStandy) means this "
          "PrintInputTray is available but on standby, e.g., in a "
          "power saving mode. 5 (AvailableActive) means this "
          "PrintInputTray is available and active, i.e., currently "
          "in use. 6 (AvailableBusy) means this PrintInputTray is "
          "available but busy, i.e., not immediately available for "
          "its primary function. 7 (UnavailableOnRequest) means "
          "this PrintInputTray is not available and is on request, "
          "i.e., needs human intervention. 8 (UnavailableBroken) "
          "means this PrintInputTray is not available and is "
          "broken, e.g., needs repair/replacement." ), 
       ValueMap { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", ".." }, 
       Values { "Other", "Unknown", "AvailableIdle", 
          "AvailableStandby", "AvailableActive", "AvailableBusy", 
          "UnavailableOnRequest", "UnavailableBroken", 
          "DMTF Reserved" }, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtSubUnitStatusTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_PrintInputTray.OtherAvailabilityStatus" }]
   uint32 AvailabilityStatus;

      [Description ( 
          "A free-form string that describes the detailed "
          "availability of this PrintInputTray when the value of "
          "the AvailabilityStatus property is equal to 1 (Other)." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 255 ), 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.AvailabilityStatus" }]
   string OtherAvailabilityStatus;

      [Description ( 
          "If true, there are currently non-critical alerts on this "
          "input tray." ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtSubUnitStatusTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.DetailedStatus" }]
   boolean NonCriticalAlertsPresent;

      [Description ( 
          "If true, there are currently critical alerts on this input tray."
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtSubUnitStatusTC" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { 
          "CIM_ManagedSystemElement.DetailedStatus" }]
   boolean CriticalAlertsPresent;

      [Description ( 
          "This property provides the value of the PWG standard or "
          "custom media size name of the media that is (or, if "
          "empty, was or will be) in this input tray. The values of "
          "this property shall conform to the requirements of the "
          "PWG Media Standardized Names specification [PWG5101.1], "
          "which defines the normative values for this property. If "
          "this input tray can reliably sense this value, the value "
          "is sensed by the input tray and cannot be changed by the "
          "system administrator; otherwise, the value may be "
          "changed out-of-band by the system administrator. The "
          "empty value means unknown." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 63 ), 
       MappingStrings { "PWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared" }]
   string MediaSizeName;

      [Description ( 
          "The descriptive name of the media contained in this "
          "input tray. This media name is to be used by a client to "
          "format and localize a string for display to a human "
          "operator. This media name is not processed by the "
          "printer. It is used to provide information not "
          "expressible in terms of the other media attributes "
          "(e.g., CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaWeight and "
          "CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaType)." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 63 ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaName" }]
   string MediaName;

      [Description ( 
          "The basis for the media property MediaWeight, that "
          "specifies whether a meaningful value is available. 2 "
          "(Unknown) means the input tray cannot sense a meaningful "
          "value and MediaWeight shall be null. 3 (Actual) means "
          "the input tray can sense a meaningful value and "
          "MediaWeight shall be present." ), 
       ValueMap { "2", "3", ".." }, 
       Values { "Unknown", "Actual", "DMTF Reserved" }, 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaWeight" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaWeight" }]
   uint16 MediaWeightBasis;

      [Description ( 
          "The weight of the media associated with this input tray "
          "in grams per square meter." ), 
       MinValue ( 0 ), 
       MaxValue ( 2147483647 ), 
       MappingStrings { "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaWeight" }, 
       ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaWeightBasis" }]
   uint32 MediaWeight;

      [Description ( 
          "The name of the type of media associated with this input "
          "tray. The values of this property should conform to the "
          "requirements of the PWG Media Standardized Names "
          "specification [PWG5101.1], which defines the normative "
          "values for this property. This media type name need not "
          "be processed by the printer; it might simply be "
          "displayed to an operator." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 63 ), 
       MappingStrings { "PWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaType" }]
   string MediaType;

      [Description ( 
          "The name of the color of the media associated with this "
          "input tray. The values of this property should conform "
          "to the requirements of the PWG Media Standardized Names "
          "specification [PWG5101.1], which defines the normative "
          "values for this property." ), 
       MinLen ( 0 ), 
       MaxLen ( 63 ), 
       MappingStrings { "PWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names", 
          "MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaColor" }]
   string MediaColor;


Discussion Points (Summary of decisions and discussions of the WG in creating this CR) :

No comments found.

Change History (Mandatory after submission to the TC, May be used by the WGs):

0002010-02-08Original version.

Note that this document is labeled as "DMTF Confidential". It is intended only for DMTF member companies and alliance partners. This Change Request may be withdrawn or modified by subsequent Change Requests.

All submissions MUST comply with the DMTF Patent and Technology policy (

Template Version 3.0.0
Copyright (c) 2009 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). All Rights Reserved.