Schema Name: PwgSemanticModel.xsd
Target Namespace:
PWG Semantic Model v2   

Copyright 2002-2011, IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization/PWG - MFD Working Group. 
All rights reserved  

   Editors:  Peter Zehler, Ira McDoanald, Joe Murdock
Collapse XSD Schema Code:

<xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:pwg="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified" version="2.903">
	<xs:include schemaLocation="PwgCommon.xsd"/>
	<xs:include schemaLocation="System.xsd"/>
	<xs:include schemaLocation="Services.xsd"/>
	<xs:include schemaLocation="Subunits.xsd"/>
	<xs:include schemaLocation="Conditions.xsd"/>
	<!--09/20/10 PJZ Removed Agent Manager and Device-->
	<!--09/12/10 PJZ Removed AvailableResources.xsd since never progressed-->
	<!--09/10/10 PJZ Removed SystemCapabilities & moved contained Power elements-->
	<!--06/15/10 PJZ Changed MfdService to SystemService-->
	<!--06/14/10 PJZ Removed IsHoldingNewJobs-->
	<!--05/28/10 PJZ added system health-->
	<!--04/1/10 PJZ added "Type" suffix to ComplexTypes-->
	<!--07/23/09 PJZ Promoted System to root of schema-->
	<!--07/20/09 PJZ Collapsed various Fax services-->
	<!--06/25/09 PJZ Moved Subunit-->
	<!--04/14/09 PJZ Updated Namespace-->
	<!--09/01/08 PJZ Changed ResidentResources to AvailableResources-->
	<!--07/17/08 PJZ Changed Resources to ResidentResources-->
	<!--06/12/08 PJZ Added Condition Table-->
	<!--06/01/08 PJZ Added  anyAttribute extension point-->
	<!--05/31/08 PJZ Move back to ##Other-->
	<!--05/30/08 PJZ Move back to single namespace-->
	<!--05/21/08 PJZ Partial alignment with WS-Scan-->
	<!--10/08/06 PJZ Reworked dependencies and removed Chameleon-->
	<!--08/08/06 PJZ Changed namespace-->
	<!--070606  PJZ Added Media namespace-->
	<!--050906  IEM  modified to integrate WIMS/1.0 objects for SM/2.0-->
	<!--040506  PJZ  modified from ver 1.0 to prepare for SM editing work-->
		<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
   PWG Semantic Model v2   

Copyright 2002-2011, IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization/PWG - MFD Working Group. 
All rights reserved  

   Editors:  Peter Zehler, Ira McDoanald, Joe Murdock 
	<!--                           -->
	<!-- system object definitions -->
	<!--                           -->
	<!-- System - object -->
	<xs:complexType name="SystemType">
			<xs:element ref="Services"/>
			<xs:element ref="SystemConfiguration"/>
			<xs:element ref="SystemDescription"/>
			<xs:element ref="SystemStatus"/>
		<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
		<!-- System - object -->
	<xs:element name="System" type="SystemType"/>
Collapse ComplexTypes:
Collapse Elements: