- Gyaneshwar Gupta (Oki Data, call-in) - Smith Kennedy (HP Inc, PWG Chair, call-in) - Jeremy Leber (Lexmark, call-in) - Ira McDonald (High North, PWG Secretary, IPP WG Co-Chair, call-in) - Alan Sukert (Xerox, PWG Vice-Chair, IDS WG Chair, call-in) - Mike Sweet (Apple, IPP WG Secretary, call-in) - Paul Tykodi (TCS, IPP WG Co-Chair, call-in) - Bill Wagner (TIC, former Cloud WG and WIMS WG Chair, call-in) - Rick Yardumian (Canon, call-in)
This meeting was announced and chaired by Smith Kennedy. This was a Virtual F2F meeting with WebEx and Audio bridges. These minutes were prepared by Ira McDonald with much help from Mike Sweet.
See slides at:
* Reviewed agenda and PWG IP Policy (shown as revised late Wednesday) -- Mike Sweet and Ira McDonald as minute takers Wednesday, November 15 9:00 � 10:30 PWG Plenary 10:30 � 12:00 IPP WG : Status, IPP Presets 12:00 � 12:30 Break / Lunch 12:30 � 3:30 IPP WG : System Service Thursday, November 16 9:00 � 11:00 IDS WG : Status, Discussion, Next Steps 11:00 � 12:00 IPP WG : IPP Get-User-Printer-Attributes, IPP Authentication 12:00 � 12:30 Break / Lunch 12:30 � 2:00 IPP WG : Liaison Status, Next Steps
- Discussion -- 3D Print recruiting possibilities
- PWG Chair: Smith Kennedy (HP Inc) - PWG Vice-Chair: Alan Sukert (Xerox) - PWG Secretary: Ira McDonald (High North)
* IPP Everywhere� 1.0 Update 2 Tools Now Available! * 206 Printers now certified! -- https://www.pwg.org/dynamo/eveprinters.php -- More believed to be on the way (smile) * IPP Everywhere� 1.1 Certification Update -- TBD 2018
* Github PWG organization account -- https://github.com/istopwg * IPP Sample -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippsample * IPP Everywhere Self Certification Tools -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippeveselfcert * IPP Registry -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippregistry * Semantic Model Repository -- https://github.com/istopwg/pwg-semantic-model * Web site repository -- https://github.com/istopwg/website
* CUPS Project moving to the Apache v2 license * Should PWG also move to Apache v2 for GitHub sample code and projects? -- Using BSD currentlyACTION: Smith to follow up with Jessica on PWG open source license selection/potential Apache v2 issues
*** IDS WG (Alan Sukert) - see Plenary slides
* Reviewed original IDS charter goals * IDS WG Charter was revised in July 2017 -- IDS WG is "active" again with a revised mission * Focus now is on Common Criteria HCD Protection Profiles -- IDS Charter updated to focus the IDS WG on outreach with other standards bodies involved in HCD security issues --- Need to determine other applicable standards bodies that IDS WG could/should outreach with * MFP Technical Committee (TC) Meetings: -- MFP TC Face-to-Face Meeting likely at CCUF Workshop week on Oct 25rd in Berlin -- Will hold a MFP TC Teleconference � date TBD -- Oct 2017 MFP TC Face-to-Face Meeting will be discussed at IDS WG Session
*** IPP WG (Ira McDonald) - see Plenary slides
* IPP WG Charter was revised in June 2017 -- minor update for current work items * PWG Specifications in development -- IPP System Service v1.0 (SYSTEM) - Prototype Draft --- Mike has started prototyping in ippserver * IPP Registration Documents in development -- IPP Authentication Methods - Interim Draft -- IPP Get-User-Printer-Attributes - Stable Draft -- IPP Presets - Stable Draft * Recent PWG Candidate Standards -- PWG 5100.1-2017: IPP Finishings/2.1 (FIN) -- PWG 5100.21-2017: IPP 3D Printing Extensions/1.0 (3D) * Recent IETF RFCs -- RFC 8010: IETF IPP/1.1: Encoding and Transport --- (obsoletes RFC 2910/3382) -- RFC 8011: IETF IPP/1.1: Model and Semantics --- (obsoletes RFC 2911/3381/3382) * Up-to-date pending IANA registrations online -- http://www.pwg.org/ipp/ipp-registrations.xml --- Continue to maintain this in parallel for new specifications -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippregistry * IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certifications -- https://www.pwg.org/printers (printer listing page) --- 206 printers currently listed (more than doubled since August 2017) -- IPP Everywhere 1.0 self-cert tools 2nd update released in October 2017 * IPP Sample Code -- https://github.com/istopwg/ippsample -- Fork of CUPS code includes ippfind, ippproxy, ippserver, ipptool, ipptransform, and ipptransform3d * Next steps -- IPP WG call on Thursday 7 December 2017 at 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern -- IPP WG call on Thursday 4 January 2018 at 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern
* Next TCG Members Meetings (face-to-face) -- 26 February - 1 March 2018 - Portland, OR - Ira to call in -- 18-22 June 2018 - San Diego, CA - Ira to attend in person? * Trusted Mobility Solutions (TMS) - Ira is Co-Chair and co-editor -- Scope: enterprise, medical, banking, virtualization, mobile mgmt -- Formal liaisons: ATIS (in progress), ETSI (NFV), Global Platform (TEE and SE), OMA (device mgmt), Mobey Forum (banking/payments) -- Informal liaisons: 3GPP, ITU-T, SAE, IETF TLS, IETF SACM, US NIST * Mobile Platform (MPWG) - Ira is co-editor -- Scope: mobile phones, PDAs, eBook readers, etc. -- Formal liaisons - Global Platform (TEE), Mobey Forum (banking) -- Mobile Runtime Integrity Preservation - public review in Q1 2018 * TCG Specifications and Public Reviews -- http://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/resources -- TCG Guidance Securing Network Equipment - publication in Dec 2017 -- TCG TNC Architecture 2.0 - publication in November 2017 -- TCG TNC Server Discovery 1.0 - publication in November 2017 -- TCG Mobile Implementaton Guidance - published in September 2017
*** Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) (Ira McDonald) - see Plenary slides
* Next IETF Members Meetings -- 17-23 March 2018 - London, UK - Ira to call in -- 14-20 July 2018 - Montreal, CA - Ira to call in * Transport Layer Security (TLS) -- TLS/1.3 - Waiting for WG Chair for IETF Last Call --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-tls13/ * Security Automation and Continuous Monitoring (SACM) -- SACM Requirements - published in September 2017 --- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8248 -- Concise Software Identifiers (CBOR instead of XML) - work-in-progress --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-sacm-coswid/ * Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) -- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) - errata-in-progress --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis/ -- Concise Data Definition Danguage (CDDL) - for JSON and CBOR schema --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-cddl * CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) -- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) - published in July 2017 --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8152/ * IRTF Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG) - future algorithms
*** Mopria (Smith Kennedy) - see Plenary and Mopria slides
* PWG Chair presented to Mopria Technical Working Group on 26 July 2017 -- "The Internet Printing Protocol in 2017: An Overview" --- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/general/presentations/ PWG-2017-IPP-Overview-20170725.pdf -- Articulates the breadth of PWG IPP technologies currently approved and in active development -- Reception seemed to be positive
*** America Makes & ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC) (Paul Tykodi) - see Plenary slides
* America Makes � quoted From their web site: -- "Established in 2012 and based in Youngstown, Ohio, America Makes is the flagship Institute for Manufacturing USA, the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, infrastructure of up to 45 Institutes to follow and is driven by the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM)." -- America Makes is a membership driven public � private partnership. While it collaborates with SDO�s (Standards Developing Organizations), it does not develop standards itself. Much of the information created as part of different America Makes sponsored projects is only made available to paying members. * America Makes & ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC) -- https://www.ansi.org/standards_activities/standards_boards_panels/amsc/Default?menuid=3 -- The IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group is participating in the AMSC initiative * AMSC Version 2.0 Work Effort is actively underway
*** ISO/IEC JTC 1 3D Printing and Scanning Study Group (Paul Tykodi) - see Plenary slides
* 32nd Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 2-6 October 2017 in Vladivostok, Russia -- "Resolution 11 � Establishment of JTC 1/WG 12 on 3D Printing and Scanning Contingent upon approval of a relevant NWIP, JTC 1 establishes JTC 1 Working Group 12 on 3D Printing and Scanning with the following Terms of Reference: 1. Serve as a focus of and proponent for JTC 1�s standardization program on 3D Printing and Scanning. 2. Develop ICT related foundational standards for 3D Printing and Scanning upon which other standards can be developed. 3. Develop other 3D Printing and Scanning standards that are built upon the foundational standards when relevant ISO and IEC committees that could address these standards do not exist or are unable to develop them. 4. Identify gaps and opportunities in 3D Printing and Scanning standardization. 5. Develop and maintain liaisons with all relevant ISO and IEC committees as well as with external organizations that have interests in 3D Printing and Scanning. 6. Engage with 3D Printing and Scanning communities to raise awareness of JTC 1 standardization efforts and provide an open platform for discussion and further cooperation. 7. Develop and maintain a list of existing 3D Printing and Scanning standards produced and standards development projects underway in ISO TCs, IEC TCs and JTC 1." -- "JTC 1 appoints Byoung Nam Lee to serve as Convenor of JTC 1 Working Group 12 on 3D Printing and Scanning." -- "To continue to progress the topic of 3D Printing and Scanning in a timely manner, the Study Group on 3D Printing and Scanning will remain in place, with Byoung Nam Lee as Convenor, pending the approval of an NWIP. Once an NWIP has been approved, the Study Group on 3D Printing and Scanning is disbanded and the JTC 1 Working Group 12 Convenor will work with ITTF to formally establish Working Group 12 within the ISO system."
*** ISO TC130 WG 2 TF 5 (Paul Tykodi) - see Plenary slides
regarding Common Metadata for PDF�s with 3D Content
* Potential Collaboration -- Possible opportunity to work with TC130 WG 2 TF 5 in collaboration with 3DPDF Consortium, ISO/IEC JTC 1 SG3, AMSC, ASME 14.41.1 work group, and US DoD/Supplier committee currently defining a Technical Data Package (TDP) Specification for interchange of files with 3D content -- Met with Martin Bailey (convenor of TC130 WG 2 TF 5 effort) in June 2017 to discuss possible opportunity for collaboration and to share PWG 3D Print Ticket draft standard information -- JDFMAP provides possible roadmap for future collaboration * Paul writing up a proposal for the 3D PDF consortium to collaborate with TC130 WG 2 TF 5 on defining standard file formats, semantics, job tickets, etc. * Dominant 3D players are focused on proprietary low-level formats and protocols, don't see the need for higher-level open standards and protocols -- Similar to situation in 2D printing 20 years ago -- First adopters were the enterprise-level products, then lower-end printers -- More competition/solutions needed to drive adoption of open standards and protocols * Would be good to see PWG members offer IPP solutions in 3D -- Canon, HP, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, and Xerox all selling 3D printers -- Can we get more participation/adoption? * Also good to make presentation showing mapping to existing low-level interfaces/formats, how to move to higher-level interfaces/formats * IPP can also be seen as a front-end service protocol/interface on top of existing proprietary protocols, and then incrementally expand scope to individual devices/subunits, much as what happened for 2D printers -- It is about semantics and the abstracted data model - low-level specifics not needed outside the output device
* Notes -- Members are invited to volunteer to host PWG meetings! * 2018 Meeting Schedule (all dates/locations are tentative) -- February 2018 in Austin, TX (Virtual?) --- Joint PWG/OpenPrinting F2F? -- April 2018 on East Coast/West Coast? (Virtual?) --- Joint PWG/OpenPrinting F2F? -- August 2018 on East Coast/West Coast?(Virtual) -- November 2018 on East Coast/West Coast? (Virtual?) * When to do real F2F in 2018? -- February in Austin, TX --- Some members can/would attend, Ira can't, Mike is iffy -- Also watch out for TCG meeting dates... --- 26 February - 1 March 2018 - Portland, OR --- 18-22 June 2018 - San Diego, CA -- Also watch out for IETF meeting dates... --- 17-23 March 2018 - London, UK --- 14-20 July 2018 - Montreal, CA -- April would be better for OpenPrinting and IDS
* IPP Everywhere MFD / IPP Everywhere 2.0 * IPP Everywhere Client Self-Certification? * IPP Transform Service * Shift from specification focus to reference implementation and certification focus? * Ideas to share? -- Email chair@pwg.org -- Post ideas to pwg@pwg.org mailing list reflector