[log_1028.txt - see lines with '**' for disposition - updated 12/15] fsgjt_attribute.h ** reviewed 2 November 2004 fsgjt_document.h ** reviewed 2 November 2004 fsgjt_job.h ** reviewed 1 December 2004 fsgjt_force_page.h ** reviewed 1 December 2004 fsgjt_page_range.h ** reviewed 1 December 2004 -------------------- 11/02/2004 - review <1> Global - all headers - correct line 2 - name of each header file ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <2> In 'fsgjt_attribute.h' - prolog - delete object type constant - lines 24-26 ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <3> In 'fsgjt_attribute.h' - 'fsgjtNewAttribute' - correct documentation of first parameter - also 'add()' --> 'fsgjtAddValue()' ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** -------------------- 11/09/2004 - review <4> 'fsgjt.h' - per Glen - move attribute functions down to 'fsgjt_attribute.h' ** REJECTED ** These helper functions operate on _objects_ <5> In 'fsgjt_job.h' - per Glen In UML '03_JobTicketInfo.png' - in colored Job object - 'job-output-bin' --> 'job-output-bin-name' - OutputBinEnum --> OutputBinNameEnum In 'fsgjt_media.h' In UML '07_JobDocumentPage.png' - in colored Media object - 'media-input-tray' --> 'media-input-tray-name' - InputTrayEnum --> InputTrayNameEnum In 'fsgjt_enums.h' In UML '10_Enumerations and Data Types (cont).png' - fix name OutputBinNameEnum (emphasizes that these attributes are labels, not ordinals) ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <6> In 'fsgjt_job_ticket_info.h' - per Glen In UML '03_JobTicketInfo.png' - in colored JobTicketInfo object - delete 'jt-mandatory-attributes' (broken w/ PWG Semantic Model) - add 'jt-fidelity' of type 'PresentEnum' (per PWG Semantic Model) In UML '09_Enumerations and Data Types.png' - delete MandatoryAttributesEnum ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <7> In 'fsgjt_media.h' - per Claudia In UML '07_JobDocumentPage.png' - in colored Media object - 'media-recycled' and 'media-manual-feed' - change types Boolean --> PresentEnum ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <8> In 'fsgjt_job.h' - per Claudia In UML '03_JobTicketInfo.png' - in colored Job object - delete 'job-trimming' (not in JTAPI/1.0) - 'fsgjt_trimming.h' - delete this header from .../Working - 'fsgjt_enums.h' In UML '10_Enumerations and Data Types (cont).png' - delete 'TrimTypeEnum' In UML '11_Enumerations and Data Types (cont).png' - fix ValueTypeEnum ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <9> In 'fsgjt_contact_info.h' - per Claudia In UML '04_Job.png' - in colored ContactInfo object - fix parameters of first constructor (in UML) - delete second constructor (WithURI) ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** -------------------- 12/01/2004 - review <10> Global - all headers - change 'fsgjt_int_32_t' to 'fsgjt_int32_t' (typo) ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <11> In 'fsgjt_job.h' - change second 'job-number-up-x' to 'job-number-up-y' ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <12> In 'fsgjt_job.h' - change 'job-separator-sheet' to 'job-separator-sheets' ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** <13> In 'fsgjt_job.h' - all methods - change 'Pointer to job' to 'Pointer to Job object' ** APPROVED ** ** DONE ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, Thursday (28 October 2004) I've just posted my five updated header files in the directory: ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/fsg/jobticket/C_JTAPI_Code/Working/ in the files: fsgjt_attribute.h ** reviewed 2 November 2004 fsgjt_document.h ** reviewed 2 November 2004 fsgjt_job.h fsgjt_force_page.h fsgjt_page_range.h While editing, I found the following bugs: (1) UML '03_JobTicketInfo.png' - in colored Job object - includePages - change datatype to 'list of PageRange' - outputPages - change datatype to 'list of PageRange' ** APPROVED ** (2) UML '01_High Level.png' and '02_High Level (cont).png' - need text boxes about links to PageRange (per Claudia) ** APPROVED ** (3) PageRange Header - missing 'fsgjt_page_range.h' header - I wrote one ** APPROVED ** (4) JTAPI spec v0.93 - section 16.1 Job Attributes & Conformance - job-destinations-uri - change to job-destinations ** APPROVED ** (5) JTAPI spec v0.93 - section 13.1 ForcePage Attributes & Conformance missing attributes: - force-page-cell-position-x - force-page-cell-position-y - force-page-page - force-page-sheet-side ** APPROVED ** (6) JTAPI spec v0.93 - missing entire section on PageRange missing attributes: - page-range-lower - page-range-upper ** APPROVED ** (7) Enums header - 'fsgjt_enums.h' - need PageRange object definition: #define FSGJT_VT_PAGE_RANGE_OBJECT "PAGE_RANGE_OBJECT" ** APPROVED ** Cheers, - Ira