Power Management Model

Scope of Power Management Model

- hardware summary of whole Imaging System

Subunit (OPTIONAL)
- hardware subunits only (e.g., Marker but NOT Interpreter)

Service (NONE)
- out-of-scope (per Power Management project charter)

Objects in Power Management Model

- maps to System in WIMS/1.0 and PWG SM/2.0

Subunit (OPTIONAL)
- maps to Subunit in WIMS/1.0 and PWG SM/2.0

Power Element Groups

PowerMonitor Group (REQUIRED)

MonitorID (integer)
- Key - maps to icKeyIndex (System or Subunit) in PWG Counter MIB v2

LastPowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Data - important if OPTIONAL PowerLog group not implemented

NextPowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Data - important if OPTIONAL PowerRequest group not implemented

PowerUsageWatts (integer)
- Data - nominal power usage in watts in current state (set by vendor)

PowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Data - all DMTF and ACPI states (e.g., 'Sleep-Light' (Standby))
  plus standard vendor extension substates (e.g. 'Sleep-Vendor1..3')

PowerStateTimestamp (dateTime)
- Data - coherent with XML Datatypes and IETF Host Resources MIB

IsAcceptingJobs (boolean)
- Data - incoming Jobs accepted in this state

IsProcessingJobs (boolean)
- Data - incoming Jobs processed in this state

PowerTransition Group (REQUIRED)

StartPowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Key - start state (must be a stable state - not ephemeral state)

EndPowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Key - end state (not possible transitional intermediate states)

DurationSeconds (integer)
- Data - nominal transition duration in seconds (set by vendor)

PowerMode Group (REQUIRED)

PowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Key - maps to PowerMonitor.PowerState

PowerUsageWatts (integer)
- Data - maps to PowerMonitor.PowerUsageWatts

PowerStateInfo (string)
- Data - localized description of this state

IsAcceptingJobs (boolean)
- Data - maps to PowerMonitor.IsAcceptingJobs

IsProcessingJobs (boolean)
- Data - maps to PowerMonitor.IsProcessingJobs

PowerRequest Group (OPTIONAL)

RequestID (integer)
- Key - maps to PowerMonitor.MonitorID (concurrent requests OPTIONAL)

RequestPowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Data - copied to PowerMonitor.NextPowerState (if operation accepted)

RequestTimestamp (dateTime)
- Data - see PowerMonitor.PowerStateTimestamp

RequestResult (PowerRequestResultWKV)
- Data - 'None', 'InProgress', 'InvalidTransition', ... 'Success'

PowerLog Group (OPTIONAL)

LogID (integer)
- Key - maps to prtAlertIndex in IETF Printer MIB v2

PowerState (PowerStateWKV)
- Data - copy of PowerMonitor.PowerState

LogTimestamp (dateTime)
- Data - copy of PowerMonitor.PowerStateTimestamp

LogInfo (string)
- Data - localized description of this log event

PowerPolicy Group (OPTIONAL)

PolicyID (integer)
- Key - maps to ScheduleID in WIMS/1.0 Schedule object

PolicyType (PowerPolicyTypeWKV)
- Data - 'Timeout', 'Oneshot', 'TimeOfDay', 'DateTime', etc.

PolicyTime (PowerPolicyTime)
- Data - timeout, time-of-day, etc.