Open Printing Emebedded Print Project Developement History: Started Activity on July 24, 2007 Main project: Embedded (Linux) Print There are currently 9 interfaces and each has two sub-project. The first instantiation is as a DLL and the second instantiation is as a Service. (HPIJS or IJS will be used as a model for the Client/Service implementation.) The 9 interfaces are 1. Job Ticketing 2. Print Channel Manager 3. Print Driver 4. Printer Capability 5. Printer Plug and Play 6. Print Manager 7. Data Spooler 8. Status Monitoring 9. Transform History: 2007-07-24: general [gwp] - Created the ftp directory for this project on the PWG ftp site. - The top level directory is located at: Below this level is a "current" directory containing the copy of content that should be used. This includes documentation along with software elements. - Posted an initial copy of the "development" document for this activity.