Internet Printing Project Conference Call - May 7, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 4:10 PM EST. Attendees: * Bob Herriott - Sun * Carl-Uno Manros - Xerox * Peter Zehler - Xerox * Randy Turner - Sharp * Don Wright - Lexmark * Tom Hastings - Xerox * Scott Isaacson - Novell * Lee Farrell - Canon * Jeff Copeland - QMS * Jim Walker - Dazel * Jay Martin - Underscore Agenda: - Subgroup Reports * Model * Protocol * Others - FTP/WWW Site MODEL SUBGROUP Work on the document was done over the last week-end. Scott is adding more to it now including some of the work on "capable." Jim Walker and Roger Debry expressed their opinion that the "capable" function is not needed and we don't gain anything from it. After much discussion, the group came around to using the "capable" attributes only for administrative and directory entry usage. Scott's goal is to get the document out before this Friday's conference call. The group discussed some overall problems with the organization of the document. PROTOCOL The committee wants to reach closure on the issue of whether we fully adopt HTTP or just borrow ideas from it. The goal is to work through this issue at the San Diego meeting. There was a discussion on the issue of caching of attributes; how to take advantage of caching, what attributes should be cacheable, etc. What performance issues would be solved by allowing caching? How would cacheable versus non- cacheable objects be separated. If we do something that isn't exactly HTTP should we step back all the way and develop the protocol from scratch? Is there value in being really close to HTTP in the ability to re-use code? Jay Martin discussed CPAP and whether it is applicable to the IPP problem. What are the implications of choosing a protocol other than HTTP or a HTTP-like protocol based upon existing work going on? Jay Martin was asked to present more information on CPAP at the San Diego meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS * Scott to send out the agenda for the Model meeting on May 14th. All planning to attending should notify Patrick Powell. * UPD discussion is out of the day-time agenda and moved to a dinner meeting on May 15th. * Press Release discussion - No requirement now for the PWG to send out a correction - Minor changes to the WEB site - No changes made to the ftp site - Continue to post documents in text format - references to companies only when then include the name of the person * Randy Turner asked for a clear direction on the prototyping effort from Pete Zehler at the San Diego meeting. * Should the next PWG press release on IPP talk about a future technology demonstration? * The June meeting will be a 2 day meeting. * Next IPP conference call will be May 21, 1997. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM EDT.